Thursday 22 September 2016

for Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Autumn has arrived. Have you seen any fall colours? Asters bloom along roadsides, along with goldenrod and wild blue cornflowers.
    Image result for wild blue cornflowers
Please remember to spend time with your reading text, Unit 1, becoming familiar with all of the vocabulary as well as the ideas in both articles.
Image result for goldenrodComplete any work assigned during your absence. Consistent effort is essential to progress.
Begin work on the Unit 2 Grammar handouts. 
Prepare for the AWL Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday.
Continue to use the online reading program three times a week.
*If written work has been returned, make corrections AND improvements, and re-submit via email.
Come to class prepared to share your opinion about a current issue you have heard or read about.

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