Thursday 22 September 2016

for Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Autumn has arrived. Have you seen any fall colours? Asters bloom along roadsides, along with goldenrod and wild blue cornflowers.
    Image result for wild blue cornflowers
Please remember to spend time with your reading text, Unit 1, becoming familiar with all of the vocabulary as well as the ideas in both articles.
Image result for goldenrodComplete any work assigned during your absence. Consistent effort is essential to progress.
Begin work on the Unit 2 Grammar handouts. 
Prepare for the AWL Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday.
Continue to use the online reading program three times a week.
*If written work has been returned, make corrections AND improvements, and re-submit via email.
Come to class prepared to share your opinion about a current issue you have heard or read about.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Good morning! I hope you are enjoying the gorgeous summer days we have been having this month. Cooler temperatures are on the way...

Please watch and listen to the two-minute video on plagiarism. You may need to watch several times as the speed is quite fast. Please take notes.

Read the article; do some deep reading!

Create a Word document and write a paragraph response to the article.
Will this change the way you live? Why or why not?

If there is time, work on your online reading program.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

for Thursday, Sept. 22nd 2016

Did you do the homework in preparation for this week?
Make sure you are familiar with both Readings in Unit 1.
Do the vocabulary exercises associated with both readings.
Complete pp. 13-15 in the text.
Submit a summary of Reading 1 via email.
Complete grammar handouts.
Work on the online reading program for 15-20 minutes.
Study AWL vocabulary for a quiz next Tuesday.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Week 2

In preparation for Week 3:

1. Work on the AWL Weekly Guide in preparation for a quiz on Tuesday. 

2. Girls with Goals

Read the article, using your critical thinking skills, and then write questions to the answers provided on the handout. Create a Word document, and submit to your instructor by Monday at 9.00 am.

3. Grammar Handouts: complete

4. Text, Unit 1, pp. 13-15. Complete.

Thursday 8 September 2016

To Do List for Tuesday

1. Complete grammar handouts as review.

2. Come prepared to write about distracted driving. Do some critical thinking in advance.

3. Vocabulary quiz on the following words and their derivatives:


Use the website
Go to Academic Word List in the Weekly Study Guide to complete practice exercises.

4. Complete your Map of Canada.

5. Take time to improve your reading on Ace Reader.

Tuesday 6 September 2016


Image result for ready to learn

Good morning and welcome to our class. Please do not hesitate to ask questions, for that is how we all learn. 
Please refer to your copy of the schedule for important information.
We have exciting new software to help you improve your reading skills!

Thursday 23 June 2016

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Good morning.
Please work through the following interactive exercise on critical thinking.
Jot down any new vocabulary as you go. 

Next, see if you can complete the map of Canada without using the internet.
How far can you get?

Thursday 16 June 2016

Thursday, June 16

Good morning. What gorgeous weather we are enjoying in June!

Today I would like you to think about the unit question,"How well does a picture illustrate the truth?"

You have read an article on infographics and how the truth is altered for various purposes. 

Now read the second article, "Phototruth or Photofiction", and write in response to the question, "How could marketers use the manipulation techniques described int he reading to advertise products and services?"

Submit your carefully constructed paragraph by the end of class.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Canadian Citizenship

Thursday, June 9th, 2016

Please take out paper and a pen so that you can take notes when needed.
This lesson incorporates multiple language skills and will provide you with an opportunity to review material you are familiar with; it will also introduce you to new material.

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Canadian Art: Emily Carr

June 2, 2016

          EMILY CARR

Today you will be introduced to one of Canada's art treasures: Emily Carr.

First, take a look at some of her works. Do any of them look familiar? Where might you recall seeing them?

Then, go to the following website, and work through the short reading and exercises as quickly as you can.

Now that you know a little more about this famous artist, do some of your own research on the internet. Remember to choose sites with care, and use your discretion as to their reliability.

Take notes. Here are a few helpful sites:

This link provides you with the complete text of Klee Wyck. Why would a visual artist write instead of paint? Read a few selections to get an idea of what this literary work is all about.  

Imagine that you will have to write a 5 paragraph essay on Emily Carr. What topics would you suggest? Are your notes adequate for the task?

Monday 9 May 2016

Narrative Writing Using Past Perfect, Past Modals and Time Clauses

Good morning. Please review Unit 9 if necessary, and write a narrative as posted on e-learn. Create a header in a Word document. Please print and submit today. Remember to double-space, and to take adequate time to proofread and edit. You have 90 minutes.

Monday 25 April 2016

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

SPRING at last!

1. On the home screen, you will see this program: Ultimate Speed Reading. Spend 30 minutes, and keep a record of what you have accomplished. Speed and accuracy are both important.

2. Find the meaning of these 2 idioms:

              bite off more than you can chew
              clear the air

3. Writing:  watch the video, and respond in a few sentences. What is your opinion? Use a Word document, and send it to my email address please.

4. TOEFL (CDs) reading tests