Thursday 9 October 2014

Literature Circles

Please come prepared every week; your participation contributes to our success!
Role descriptions:
Vocabulary leader:
-look carefully through the reading and find the words and phrases that you do not know
-choose up to 10 words you think are important and necessary to understanding the reading
-list them, include the page number, copy the sentence with the word in context, and include a definition of the word as it is used in the reading.

-give a brief summary of the most important things that happened or were addressed in the part of the book you read this week.

-help group members make connections between the reading and the world outside
-think about how the story relates to his/her own experiences or to the experiences of friends or family members. e.g. Do any of the characters remind you of people that you know? Have you ever had thoughts or feelings similar to people in the story? Does anything in the story remind you of something in the news or something you have seen happen?

Passage finder: 
-find and discuss with the group important, interesting, or difficult parts of the reading.
-read the passage aloud to the group or ask another student to read it.
-why did you choose the passage?

Group discussion leader:
-write some questions to start the discussion
-ask questions to keep the discussion going
-make sure each group member participates in the discussion

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