Friday 19 September 2014

Friday, September 19, 2014

Here's some vocabulary from a reading we did in class, for those of you who are absent. You will need to catch up when you return to school, but finding synonyms for these words will help.

1. fanfare
2. fervor
3. furtively
4. visage
5. infatuation
6. lust
7. tranquil
8. exhilaration
9. craving
10. awe
11. novelty
12. threshold
13. mundane
14. pageantry
15. prime
16. quip
17. thrill
18. gusto
19. conception

For Tuesday, please complete the crossword, comprehension questions, and the vocabulary exercise related to the words above. Check the file at the back of the classroom for hand-outs.

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