Monday 11 September 2017

Week 2
Reading from Canadian history

This article is about an important historical event. Before your read, preview photos and captions. Check the source. Is it reliable?
I would like you to write questions based on the article. Write at least one question for each of the different level of questions. I have given you an example of each type of question.
Literal: When did the Halifax explosion take place? What was the name of the ship?
Inferential: Was the individual interviewed, Kaye Chapman, traumatised by the experience?
Analytical:  In your opinion, do Canadians know enough about their country's history?


Read the Nick Noorani article, read the blog post, watch the edpuzzle video, do some research on your own, and write about three (3) soft skills you think are the most important. Define each soft skill, and explain why each is essential, using examples.

Thursday 7 September 2017

New Beginnings, September 2017

Welcome to the CLB 7/8 Reading and Writing course! I hope you enjoy it, and find it valuable to your personal progress.
Let's travel the road together.
Before we meet next Tuesday, please do some research on the benefits of journaling.
Check out some of the websites I suggested.
Read, read, read!
Image result for reading images

Thursday 22 September 2016

for Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Autumn has arrived. Have you seen any fall colours? Asters bloom along roadsides, along with goldenrod and wild blue cornflowers.
    Image result for wild blue cornflowers
Please remember to spend time with your reading text, Unit 1, becoming familiar with all of the vocabulary as well as the ideas in both articles.
Image result for goldenrodComplete any work assigned during your absence. Consistent effort is essential to progress.
Begin work on the Unit 2 Grammar handouts. 
Prepare for the AWL Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday.
Continue to use the online reading program three times a week.
*If written work has been returned, make corrections AND improvements, and re-submit via email.
Come to class prepared to share your opinion about a current issue you have heard or read about.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Good morning! I hope you are enjoying the gorgeous summer days we have been having this month. Cooler temperatures are on the way...

Please watch and listen to the two-minute video on plagiarism. You may need to watch several times as the speed is quite fast. Please take notes.

Read the article; do some deep reading!

Create a Word document and write a paragraph response to the article.
Will this change the way you live? Why or why not?

If there is time, work on your online reading program.

Tuesday 20 September 2016

for Thursday, Sept. 22nd 2016

Did you do the homework in preparation for this week?
Make sure you are familiar with both Readings in Unit 1.
Do the vocabulary exercises associated with both readings.
Complete pp. 13-15 in the text.
Submit a summary of Reading 1 via email.
Complete grammar handouts.
Work on the online reading program for 15-20 minutes.
Study AWL vocabulary for a quiz next Tuesday.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Week 2

In preparation for Week 3:

1. Work on the AWL Weekly Guide in preparation for a quiz on Tuesday. 

2. Girls with Goals

Read the article, using your critical thinking skills, and then write questions to the answers provided on the handout. Create a Word document, and submit to your instructor by Monday at 9.00 am.

3. Grammar Handouts: complete

4. Text, Unit 1, pp. 13-15. Complete.

Thursday 8 September 2016

To Do List for Tuesday

1. Complete grammar handouts as review.

2. Come prepared to write about distracted driving. Do some critical thinking in advance.

3. Vocabulary quiz on the following words and their derivatives:


Use the website
Go to Academic Word List in the Weekly Study Guide to complete practice exercises.

4. Complete your Map of Canada.

5. Take time to improve your reading on Ace Reader.