Monday 11 September 2017

Week 2
Reading from Canadian history

This article is about an important historical event. Before your read, preview photos and captions. Check the source. Is it reliable?
I would like you to write questions based on the article. Write at least one question for each of the different level of questions. I have given you an example of each type of question.
Literal: When did the Halifax explosion take place? What was the name of the ship?
Inferential: Was the individual interviewed, Kaye Chapman, traumatised by the experience?
Analytical:  In your opinion, do Canadians know enough about their country's history?


Read the Nick Noorani article, read the blog post, watch the edpuzzle video, do some research on your own, and write about three (3) soft skills you think are the most important. Define each soft skill, and explain why each is essential, using examples.

Thursday 7 September 2017

New Beginnings, September 2017

Welcome to the CLB 7/8 Reading and Writing course! I hope you enjoy it, and find it valuable to your personal progress.
Let's travel the road together.
Before we meet next Tuesday, please do some research on the benefits of journaling.
Check out some of the websites I suggested.
Read, read, read!
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