Thursday 19 November 2015


Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Good morning!
Image result for academic honesty

please work through the information on the following websites: 
Click on Plagiarism
Watch Plagiarism I ( 4 min.) and Plagiarism II (3 min.) videos academic integrity video (5 min.)
2. take academic integrity QUIZ
3. take plagiarism QUIZ
4.take paraphrasing QUIZ

find the "You quote it you note it" interactive tutorial. (10 min.)

Thursday 12 November 2015

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Analyzing Statistics, Reading Graphs

Today I would like you to read the information on the site below, and write a paragraph to summarize the main points of the entry. Format carefully, and print.

Remember the steps in the writing process; don't skip any!

After carefully proofreading, use the following checklist:

1. Is there a title?
2. Does the topic sentence and controlling idea adequately summarize the internet entry?
3. Do the supporting sentences refer to the charts in the entry?
4. Does the conclusion reflect the TS?
5. Have you used transition words?
6. Have you used reporting verbs?
7. Have you included any noun clauses?
8. Did you check grammar, spelling, and punctuation?

Tuesday 10 November 2015


Image result for remembrance day

Do you know why? Is this day important for and relevant to newcomers?

Thursday 5 November 2015


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Image result for business writing images

For further clarification on business writing, check out this website:

This may be a helpful reference for you in future.
Details regarding format are considered important, and make an impression on your reader.