Thursday 29 October 2015

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Good morning.
Read carefully and plan your time well.

Q Skills, Unit 2: work online with vocabulary 2.

1. Write an email to a supervisor to clarify a disagreement with a colleague. Explain how the conflict has been resolved.
Check the rubric before you begin.
Send this email to my address.

2. Thesis statements:
Write thesis statements for the topics that were on the board yesterday.

Tuesday 27 October 2015


Good morning. Your homework was to review the blog posts on thesis statements. Now go to the link below and work through the page, including the exercises.

Then write thesis statements for the following.
Create a Word Document and submit a hard copy.

go online and practise activities from Unit 2.
Check the board for details.

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Good morning. This is the day after a federal election. The results affect all of us.
How many ridings are there?
How many were won by each party?
Find the answers online.

Ultimate Speed Reading: spend 30 minutes on this task. Remember to record your results.
What are you doing on a daily basis to improve your reading speed?

Make sure that you have completed all online activities for Q Skills Unit 1, except the extended definition.
Test Thursday.

Writing: create a Word document and write a short essay about the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizens. A strong thesis statement is essential. You may refer to the handouts I gave you.
Submit a hard copy before break.

Friday 16 October 2015

Language Learning Tips

Image result for language learning quotes

Thursday 15 October 2015

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Good morning.
Please read p. 26.
Work on p.27.
Create a Word document for A. Include text name, unit number, date, name, class.
Answer the questions in complete sentences.

Continue with part B.
You do not need to create a chart for your responses, but do include them in your document.

Print upon completion and submit.
Continue with p. 29 (Grammar) if you have time.

Monday 12 October 2015

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Good morning. I hope you all enjoyed the gorgeous weather this past long weekend. We have a lot to be thankful for! The autumn colours are stunning, wouldn't you agree?

1. Please work on improving your reading speed and accuracy for 30 minutes.
2. Continue to complete activities for Q Skills 5, Unit 1.
5. Read the previous blog entry on your own time.

Anne of Green Gables

Literature Circles October 2015

Role Descriptions

1. discussion leader:
  • write some questions to start the discussion
  • ask some questions to keep the discussion going
  • make sure each group member participates in the discussion
2. vocabulary leader:
  • look carefully through the reading and find the words and phrases that you do not know
  • choose 4-5 words that you think are important and necessary to understand the reading
  • create a chart to share the vocabulary information
3. connector:
  • help group members make connections between the reading and the world outside
4. passage finder:
  • find and discuss with the group important, interesting or difficult parts of the reading
  • read the passage aloud to the group or ask another student to read it.
  • explain why you chose the passage.
5. summarizer:
  • provide a summary of the plot.
6. character leader:
  • how are main characters revealed to the reader?
  • make observations about the characters
  • share adjectives that describe the personality of characters

Tuesday 6 October 2015


Literature Circle
Image result for reading for fun 
Please read about PEI on the following page:

Read the back cover of the novel; what factual information do you have now?
What do you think is going to happen?
Find a map of PEI. Locate Charlottetown, Summerside, and Cavendish.
Think about travel in the 19th century. How was it different than today?


Good morning. Try this test and report the result to me please. 

Make sure you are recording your reading speed and accuracy every week.
Watch this video before you begin USR. It applies to EXTENSIVE reading, which is different from INTENSIVE reading. Which do you think you will need in an academic setting?

Image result for extensive reading

Remember to work on your AVL #2 list. Add to the Google Doc Kim has provided.