Monday 28 September 2015

September 29, 2015

Good morning! Please use the first 30 minutes to work on Speed Reading.
What did you do yesterday to practise your English skills?
Do you have an anecdote to share with the class?

Remember that your AVL #1 quiz is on Wednesday.

Do you have a library book? You will be asked to write a book report.

Thursday 24 September 2015

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Image result for autumn images

1. Opinion essay: review the format and process.
Brainstorm, outline, first draft, edit, proofread.

Does gym class help students to perform better in all their classes?

Develop a thesis statement (see previous blog post for info.)

Submit a hard copy.

2. News article: write questions based on the article you were assigned for homework. Begin with questions that are answered in the article, and then pose questions that serve as a springboard for further discussion.

3. Work on AVL list #1 (see Kim's blog).

4. Think about language; how important is your language to you? How would you feel if that language disappeared? What role does language play in life?

Thursday 17 September 2015

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Good morning. I hope you are enjoying the gorgeous summer weather. Today I would like you to do some writing in the lab. 
Write about an interesting experience you have recently had. Make it come alive for your audience. What kinds of words help you achieve this goal?

Adjectives--appeal to the five senses
Verbs--use powerful verbs

In narrative writing, chronological order is commonly used, but is not mandatory. Think about the writing process as we discussed it in class. Spend time brainstorming. Include vocabulary brainstorming.
Set up a Word document with DS, including a header with your name, class and the date.
You will need to print your draft. Ask the lab assistant how to do this if you do not know.