Monday 25 May 2015

Literature Circle FINALE

Good morning. This is a reminder that this Thursday is our last Lit Circle Discussion opportunity. Please come prepared.
If you haven't engaged in the content in recent, previous posts, please do so.

Do some thinking about global cooperation and review Reading 2 vocabulary.

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Gerunds and Infinitives

Some of you have had some challenges with gerunds and infinitives. SINCE you have the day off, go the the following website and work through the information and exercises on this topic.

Saturday 16 May 2015

Critical Thinking

This is a useful interactive source to learn more about critical thinking, an essential skill in today's world.


Make sure you are completely familiar with these words/expressions:
Check your knowledge of derivatives and various parts of speech.

Plan B

Check out the images of wind erosion on trees, too!

Then there is the famous poem by the Canadian, E.J. Pratt:

“Erosion” (1931)

It took the sea a thousand years,
A thousand years to trace
The granite features of this cliff,
In crag and scarp and base.
It took the sea an hour one night, 
An hour of storm to place
The sculpture of these granite seams 
Upon a woman’s face.

Monday 11 May 2015

WRITING: Getting things done!

What do you think of these quotations, meant to empower you to take action, navigate through life’s challenges, and get things done? FROM ANGEL CHERNOFF'S BLOG!

  1. Just because you are struggling does NOT mean you are failing.  Every great success requires some kind of struggle to get there.
  2. It doesn’t matter if you’ve failed or if you’ve been beaten.  All that matters is that you learn something, get back up, and try again.  Because winning is a good feeling, but winning when nobody else thought you could is an awesome feeling.
  3. Stop beating yourself up.  You are a work in progress; which means you get there a little at a time, not all at once. 
  4. ‘Finished last’ will always be better than ‘Did not finish’, which always trumps ‘Did not start.’
  5. Don’t think too much, or you’ll create a problem that wasn’t even there in the first place.
  6. Thinking too long about doing something is often the reason it never gets done.
  7. If you truly want to change your life, you must first change your mind.
  8. Most great things in your life won’t happen by chance, they will happen by choice.
  9. Do not wait until the conditions are perfect to begin.  Beginning makes the conditions perfect.
  10. Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try.
Choose ONE quotation, and comment on how it applies to newcomers who are trying to improve their language skills. You can make it personal if you wish.


Last week we read about water pollution in the Great Lakes. Today I would like you to watch a video and read the accompanying article about BOTTLED WATER.

Assess the news source. Is it reliable? Convincing? Have you thought about this issue? Will this news item influence your use of drinking water? Based on the information given, will you discuss this issue with others? What new vocabulary have you learned?

What did you like about the presentation of the information? Could it have been improved in any way? How?

Friday 8 May 2015

Vocabulary for Quiz on Thursday, May 14


Remember to use the Weekly Study Guide to help you practise these words.
Write a sentence for each word as well as doing the usual vocabulary study, including:

1. syllable division and stress
2. definition and synonyms
3. derivatives
4. spelling

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Business Writing Review

email assignment. Write an email for the situation below:

Situation: You would like to inform a customer (who owns a small boutique in our city) that the shipment of Joseph Ribkoff dresses that she ordered in April will be delayed. You do not know the store owner, and you want her to continue ordering from this designer. Write an email and include the following:

·          inform her about the delay and give reasons
·          ask her if she is willing to feature a special promotion
·          offer samples of the Fall Collection for free
·          end the message appropriately

send the email to your instructor’s address.

Friday 1 May 2015

Academic Honesty

Image result for academic honesty images

Good afternoon!
As a follow-up to our class on academic honesty,
please work on the following websites, review and practice
what you have learned. 
Watch Plagiarism I ( 4 min.) and Plagiarism II (3 min.) videos academic integrity video (5 min.)
2. take academic integrity QUIZ
3. take plagiarism QUIZ
4.take paraphrasing QUIZ

find the "You quote it you note it" interactive tutorial.