Friday 27 February 2015

Reading and Vocabulary

Snow--if you think we have a lot of it, check out this article: 
Record and look up any words new to you.

Submit a hard copy of your vocabulary assignment.

Image result for snow images

Thursday 26 February 2015

Friday 13 February 2015

For Next Week

ladybug spring ladybugs

Literature Circle: come prepared to participate actively on Tuesday.
Vocabulary Test: Thursday, on the words from Reading 1 and Reading 2.
Research SPRING vocabulary and add it to the board in the classroom.
Find a quotation about spring.
I know, there is more snow in the forecast, and it is -20, but spring will come.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Check this out

This is an interesting website for you to explore. It may answer questions you have, or will have in the future.

Friday 6 February 2015

Friday, February 6

This afternoon I would like you to write sentences using the vocabulary words from Reading 1 and Reading 2. Try to illustrate the meaning of the word in each sentence. Submit a Word document. Include your name, the course, and the date in your header. Please leave spaces between sentences.

Upon completion of the above, take time to review AWL sublist 3 at

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Reading Circle Month

Role Descriptions

1. discussion leader:
  • write some questions to start the discussion
  • ask some questions to keep the discussion going
  • make sure each group member participates in the discussion
2. vocabulary leader:
  • look carefully through the reading and find the words and phrases that you do not know
  • choose 4-5 words that you think are important and necessary to understand the reading
  • create a chart to share the vocabulary information
3. connector:
  • help group members make connections between the reading and the world outside
4. passage finder:
  • find and discuss with the group important, interesting or difficult parts of the reading
  • read the passage aloud to the group or ask another student to read it.
  • explain why you chose the passage.
5. summarizer:
  • provide a summary of the plot.
6. character leader:
  • how are main characters revealed to the reader?
  • make observations about the characters
  • share adjectives that describe the personality of characters

Monday 2 February 2015


Interesting article. You want to improve your writing?