Friday 21 November 2014

Reading for Tuesday

Read the article, and come prepared to discuss main points and details.
Take note of collocations.
What is your opinion on this issue?

Monday 17 November 2014

Please read this article for Thursday



 This article includes vocabulary that will be challenging; I encourage you to read carefully, and look up words that impede your ability to grasp main points.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Opinion Essay: vaccines and vaccinations

What's the difference?
from the Longman Dictionary:

vac‧cine [uncountable and countable]
a substance which contains a weak form of the bacteria or virus that causes a disease and is used to protect people from that disease:
a polio vaccine
Doctors worried that there would not be enough vaccine for everyone who needed it.
vac‧cin‧ate [transitive]
to protect a person or animal from a disease by giving them a vaccine [= immunize]
vaccinate somebody against something
All children should be vaccinated against measles.
vaccination noun [uncountable and countable]
a flu vaccination

Here is some suggested reading regarding vaccinations.

Monday 10 November 2014

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


 Computer Lab
1. Use the program intended to help you increase your reading speed.


Please record your results.
Read first, then try the quiz:

This one is a little more challenging:

3.Vocabulary Study:

4. Here is a musical rendition of the famous Canadian poem, "In Flanders Fields"
There are many available on youtube, as well as many videos related to Remembrance Day.

Sunday 9 November 2014

Behaviours in an academic context OR elsewhere...


Watch this video and be prepared to discuss the points made.
Have you tried these strategies?
Do you recognize the validity of the premise that punctuality is important?

This next video examines cultural variations in the understanding of time:

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Remembrance Day, November 11, 2014

Why is it important to you?

Check out this art installation in England:

click on Remembrance

This is a collection of historic photos and a famous poem written by a Canadian, followed by a song by Bryan Adams. Try the quiz after you watch the video.

Monday 3 November 2014

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Do you recognize these characters? They are Winnie-the-Pooh, and Tigger, made famous by A.A. Milne. There is an interesting story behind their creation--see if you can find out what it is.

Please come prepared to discuss literature on Thursday. This is an important component of your studies.
Thank you to those of you who volunteered to do the vocabulary study for Sublist 4.
Remember to study and review. One tool is:

If you have been absent, ask your peers about work you missed.

This morning we will be looking at tense shifts.
Click on the presentation for tense shifts. We will be working on these later again.
Then try some exercises: